Required and Recommended Signage

Do you plan to reopen your business? In these rapidly changing times your client-facing messaging may need to be updated frequently. We are going to walk you through social distancing signage for businesses that plan to reopen. Here are a few printed items that are affordable, easy to produce and will help you convey your brand messaging in a variety of ways.

Outdoor Banners

For exterior signage, banners are a great way to convey your message in a bold eye catching way. This is extremely helpful to get the word out as regular operations begin again. If you don’t have the space for a banner you could consider window graphics or even lawn signs, both are cost-effective solutions to get your message to your clients.

Social Distancing Floor Graphics

Floor graphics indicating the recommended social distance are a great way to extend your branding. People are constantly looking down at their phones so your floors offer a tremendous amount of real estate to catch their eye, while promoting a safe space between clients.

Counter Top Signs

For temporary messaging heat bent or easel back signs are the best choice for desks or countertops. Static cling that adheres to windows or mirrors is a great option when posting up to date hours of operation or reminders to wash your hands. Posters on easels are also simple and economic ways to communicate your messaging. These are just a few ideas that options are endless.

Don’t Forget about Your Vehicles

Vehicle magnets or full vehicle wraps also get a lot of attention if your company provides delivery service.

Retractable Banners

Many of us are now working remotely and video conferencing has replaced in-person meetings. Retractable banners provide a branded backdrop that is portable and easy to store, customizing your at-home workspace. An investment in these banners has longevity, since we can repurpose the stand with new graphics the next time you need it. These banners come with a travel bag making transport or storage easy.

Outstanding Projects

Lastly, now may be the perfect time to work on projects that had been on the back burner. Maybe you’ve considered a wall wrap to freshen up your space or frosted windows to add privacy to a glass conference room.

We hope our social distancing signage for businesses that plan to reopen blog helped you! Whatever your needs we are here to brainstorm a solution. Talented graphic designers at Fotex Print can help you create exactly what you have been envisioning. Contact Fotex Print at 858-228-7697 and we’ll work through your needs and ideas together.